Scandinavian Scribblers

History and Logo
The name “Scandinavian Scribblers” was suggested by Richard Hulswit and chosen by the group in 2001. At that time member Bente Hulswit developed a logo that was approved by the group. Bente, now deceased, described the logo:
“The logo represents the five Scandinavian countries. The five geese are part of the Scandinavian Society logo and are symbolic of the countries. The “scribbles” represent the stories and the much beloved waters with sounds and fjords. The little heart in the corner is a much used Scandinavian symbol for Love.”
Topics for writing are suggested before each meeting, but "Writer's Choice" is always on the agenda. This is not a class, and writings are not analyzed or critiqued. Many of the writers focus on "life writing" and/or Scandinavian roots, but writers from all backgrounds and in various genres are welcome, including poets and fiction writers. We do have a lot of fun!
The group has been together since 1999, and is very welcoming to new participants.
Do you think you might like to scribble with us? Maybe you are looking for a supportive group for your own writing. Maybe you need a little inspiration to get started writing down memories for your own family. Can you look at a picture of your grandparent's house and think of stories for your own children and grandchildren that the picture alone doesn't tell? Did you ever come across an old diary or letter written by a family member? Think about how much you can appreciate that they shared their thoughts and stories.
Here are eight stories written by members of the Scribblers:
- Blind Date by Joan Carlson Walson
- How Long Have You Been Married by Karen Schneider
- Memories of a Gallant Knight by Joan Carlson Walson
- My Father, Son of a Printer by Sharon Cusick
- Renewing My Acquaintance with Dad by Walt Varland
- Stepping Out of my Comfort Zone by Susanne Bjørner
- This Old House Speaks by Elaine Elliott Varland
- What a Difference the Years Make by Birgit Jorgensen