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Nordic Midsummer Fest - June 23rd, 2024

See below for details about this years Midsummer Fest!

Midsummer (also called Summer Solstice) is the longest day of the year. In the most southern part of the Nordic countries, Denmark, the sun sets at 9 p.m. and rises again at 3:30 a.m. However, in the far north of Norway and Sweden the sun does not set at all in June.

Around this time all the Nordic countries have midsummer celebrations, in Sweden it is even a national holiday. In Denmark they light giant bonfires on the beaches, in Norway they also light bonfires for their celebrations. In Sweden they flock to the countryside to dance around the maypole. In Iceland they have folklore festivals and the Finns head out to the countryside and their saunas to celebrate the longest day of the year.

Our midsummer celebration in Cincinnati combines some of the best of the Nordic traditions.

We decorate a Swedish maypole with greenery and flowers and then we dance and sing around the maypole. Our native Swedish members make sure to teach us at least one song in Swedish while we hop like frogs.

There is always an abundance of delicious dishes brought in by our members who love to share their best original Scandinavian recipes.

When it starts to get dark a giant bonfire is lit and we continue to enjoy the evening with friends around the fire.

Midsummer 2024!

We are inviting everyone to our annual celebration of Midsummer.
Time: Sunday June 23rd, 2 - 6 p.m. (stay as long as you like)
Location: Aurora Indiana (email for more details and exact location)

Midsummer in Scandinavia

Midsummer means that the days are long and the nights are short, the further north you go the sun stays up long into the evening! It is a time for celebrations with dancing and food and bonfires and maypoles. Our midsummer fest is a mix of Nordic and American traditions, the key component, enjoying the summer night together. This is a great time to share wonderful Scandinavian traditions.

We will be decorating our May Pole with flowers and greens, and then we will dance around the pole.

We will enjoy a potluck dinner. Hotdogs, strawberries and cream and water is provided.

Remember to bring a dish to share, camp chairs, some flowers and greens for the maypole, hats and sunscreen!

RSVP to Esther Charlton and let her know what you are bringing for the potluck - Email:

Bring family and friends, all are welcome.